You need to be insured against medical and personal accident risks to be able to enjoy our services. Your insurance must also include emergency air ambulance and/or helicopter rescue services and all related medical expenses.
Even though we leave no stones unturned to make our trip a success, many external factors such as weather conditions as well as political upheaval might cause some problems. We thus recommend you to have a trip cancellation insurance policy just in case. It is important to be aware of your insurance policies, what they cover and what they do not. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have an adequate level of protection that covers you for any unwanted happenings during your trek/holiday. We are always ready to assist you should you require any help regarding insurance.
Please do not forget to carry along with you some proof of your insurance in the form of, for example, your insurance certificate. Inability to do so will lead to you being disallowed to continue with your program at the same time does not make you entitled to any refunds whatsoever.
We do not work with any Insurance company in Nepal or abroad and do not receive any benefits from them. However, based on the experiences of our previous customers, we are in a position to recommend you some insurance companies. Please note it again that we are not affiliated to any of the insurance companies that are listed below and it is entirely your decision to choose your own insurance company. We suggest you do thorough research before buying any insurance.